I volunteered at Multicultural Helping House Society from January to June 2012.  They assigned me to do reception work which fit in very well with the program I completed at the Vancouver Community College, which was the eight month Administrative Assistant Program.  AT MHHS, I managed telephone calls, made sure intake forms were filled out by new clients, and joined in activities at the centre. This volunteer work  helped me land my current job as administrative assistant with a non-profit organization.  Employers always look for Canadian experience.  My work with MHHS helped me gain confidence in responding to telephone queries and transferring calls.  It also helped me answer interview questions with potential employers- questions like ‘what was the most difficult experience you had with clients and how did you deal with it?’ With my MHHS experience I could cite Canadian examples. I enjoyed my work as a receptionist at the Multicultural Helping House Society as I got to meet many Filipino newcomers.  The needs of caregivers who were looking to get open visas and permanent resident status became familiar to me.  It was also heartwarming to see Filipino-Canadian seniors learn to email and keep in touch through Facebook after having been taught by young members of the MHHS’ youth group.